viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

First Task

Hello, my name is Hernán Romo Gutiérrez, I´m a student of second year in the degree of Public Administration at University of Chile. Personally I think that English is a very interesting language, specially because it's very similar to  the German, a language that is even more interesting for me but that is not taught in the schools, so if I learn English, in the future it  will be easier to learn German by myself.

Another reason of why I like English is beacause I really love the English music, specially the British rock bands like  Queen, my favorite artist in the world, Genesis, Pink Floyd, Electric Light Orchestra, David Bowie, Yes, and so many others, probably the 99% of my music is in English and I like to know what the songs are saying so I search the translations and in that process I learn new words and new expresions that I normally remember.

I watch movies in English every time, because I'm used to see them in this language and I feel a little uncomfortable if I don't see the movies in their original language.

Personally I think that the most difficult aspect of English is to speak , because the pronunciation of many words is very different and harder than say the same words in Spanish, a problem that I will get over with a lot of practicing and conversations with other people.

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