The main reason of why I'm studying Public
Administration it's because I want to work in the future as a diplomatic. I
want to do this because will give me the opportunity to know other countries
and cultures all over the world, but I just can´t finish the university degree
and do it, first I must enter to the diplomatic academy so I need to postulate
first, and in that competition the postgraduate’s studies are very important.
For that reason, the last months I have been thinking a lot about which of these
studies I would like to do, and I have two principally choices, a Master in
Political Science and a Master in History.
For the first master, the Master in Political Science,
my first option is to continue my studies in the institution where I'm now, The
Instituto de Asuntos Publicos of the Universidad
de Chile, because it has a program of continuity of studies so would be
the better option to do it fast, but I also have other options like the
Universidad Catolica or the Universidad de Santiago because I have heard that this
universities have very good programs in the political science area.
Hi Hernan! I too like the magister of political science. Its a good choice to follow in our future. In addition, I think its more interesting than the magister in public administration ...