viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

My Favorite Subject

There are two subject that I like this semester, "Estudio de los Fenómenos Políticos" and "Dinámicas de la Administración Pública Chilena". Today I'm going to talk about the last one.

Cristian Pliscoff Varas, Doctor in Public Administration, Master in Administration and Public Politics, and one of the most important national researcher in this field, is the teacher of this subject, in which we study the differents organism and institution that have influences and participation in the national administration, the diverse theories about the center of government, the autonomous organism of the administration, the public companys.

We also attended to differents lectures in this subjects, about topics like civic participation and decentralization of the administration, very interesting and important topics, specially if we consider the discussions about these.

I like this subject because I learned about important things of the career, like the different Ministries, the Superintendences, The Central Bank or the Presidential Adviser Committees. Another reason of this is because we learned about modernization of the public sector, open government and local governments, topics that I think are very intersting.

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