viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2017

Improving the learning experience

Resultado de imagen para videoTo be honest, when I started in the English Program of the University I thought that wasn't very useful, because we study topics that I learn in the school and, in my opinion, wasn’t themes that will help understand English in a better way.  Anyway, this semester I felt that this situation change, because we started to study in other way, like if we we’re really speaking and understanding the English, with very interesting and funny activities and working more intriguing topics that the last semester.

Activities like the one we did at the first class with all the people talking at the same time or the one where we had to give directions to a person that doesn’t know the city were extremely useful for practicing true English, that which is used in everyday life, so I think that the other teachers of the English program should put them into practice with the other sections of students.
Resultado de imagen para simon dice
Other things I think would help to do better the English program could be do videos in groups, because when I did that in the school I have very good and funny experiences working with my classmates, so doing it in the university probably would be equally interesting, or play Simon Says in English, because, I don’t know, if you don’t know the words, you learning seeing what your classmates do.

So, that´s all for today, I hope you read my next posts, have a great day and life, bye bye folks!!!!

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