miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017

My Blogging Experience

To be completely honest, when I started doing blogs in English III the last semester I did not think it was interesting or entertaining to do, especially because the topics of the blogs were so boring and common, but this semester, even though it's not one of my favorite activities, or that I really enjoy doing, writing blogs has been less tedious and more enriching, at least from my point of view.

One of the reason of why I think this it’s because the topics of the blogs have been much more interesting and creative, furthermore that in some blogs we have the freedom of writing about any topic we want, so we could occupy all our imagination making the blogs. An example of the above was that one classmate talk about his favorite sport, another about his best city and I talk about my favorite musician Rick Wakeman, demonstrating the variety of interests that exist in the class.

Despite not being a fan of blogging, I must admit that this activity has helped to improve my writing skills, and the Wow Word Policy has allowed me to know a lot of words that I had never seen, and some even I have incorporated them into my usual English.

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