Well, here
I’m writing the last post of the semester and, I expect, from the English Program,
and this blog will be about a very interesting topic, how the environment affects
the policies made by the public administration. The first relevant question about
this is really the public administration makes policies? an issue that has been
addressed by various authors. For example, Woodrow Wilson says that the politic
and the administration must be separated, leaving the creation of policies for
the first group, so that the administration is only responsible for
implementing them, but on the other side of the spectrum academics like Ora-orn
Poocharoen and Oscar Oszlack pose that the administration plays an important
role in the formulation of policies.

like the above proves how the environment and the pressure made by different groups
affects the making of new policies, and this will surely continue to happen in
the future because the necessities of the people change with the time, so one
day the citizens will demand one policy about one topic and the other will
demand another about a different one.
So, that’s all,
thanks for being reading my blogs this semester, may the force be with you.